Stop Looking at Crypto To Get Rich, Focus on the Digital Money Giving You Freedom (Hint: Bitcoin)

By ssaurel | In Bitcoin We Trust | 26 Jun 2021

Since Bitcoin's inception, the same misconception has been repeated over and over again with new entrants. They think that Bitcoin is there to make them rich. Given the phenomenal increase in the price of Bitcoin since 2010, it is understandable that new entrants are attracted by the lure of money.

Some even explain that this is part of Bitcoin's marketing pitch.

You come to buy Bitcoin to get rich. The problem is that many never see beyond this desire to get rich. In addition, these new entrants want to get rich quick, and without effort.

These people think that Bitcoin is a get-rich-quick scheme.

Some people waste their time looking for the next crypto to get rich

This misconception has disastrous consequences for all these people. Indeed, after realizing that Bitcoin will not make them rich quickly. They decide to go elsewhere. They will be seduced by the sirens that are all around the Bitcoin world.

These sirens are the Altcoins, which usually have no other purpose than to make their founders rich at your expense. Unfortunately, the people I'm talking about here don't open their eyes until far too late. This is after wasting a lot of time and money.

I always see the same questions, asked by different people, of course, come up on forums or sites like Reddit and Quora:

"Which cryptocurrency can make me rich within a year?"

"Which Altcoin with low market cap can make me x100 within a year?"

"Which low-priced (less than $0.1) Altcoin should I buy to make a lot of money quickly?"

These questions come up again and again. They show that not all new entrants are looking to move beyond the initial attraction of making a lot of money with the cryptocurrency industry.

If they are only looking to make more money, they will end up buying Altcoins with names derived from sushi or animals...

Even if you make a profit with Sh*tcoins, you will lose in the end

These people will think they are maximizing their chances of making a fortune. This is a fundamental mistake that will come at a high price. In most cases, these people will lose their money, because these Sh*tcoins have no value. Yes, we are talking about Sh*tcoins to designate those Altcoins that have no future, but that try to profit more and more from the greed and gullibility inherent in human beings.

Sometimes, these people will manage to make money with these Sh*tcoins.

After all, you can win money from time to time by playing roulette at the casino. This does not mean that you are taking care of your money for the future. It means that you have had some luck. Unfortunately, you can't rely on luck alone to protect the fruits of your labor.

Once they have made a profit, they will exchange that money for U.S. dollars.

Only Bitcoin can get you out of the trap of the current system

They will fall back into the trap of the current system. After having taken huge risks with your money, you will again buy a weak currency that keeps devaluing over time. You have no interest in doing this if you want to protect your money for the future.

This is where understanding what Bitcoin can do for you makes all the difference to your future regarding money.

Bitcoin is all about power. It gives you power over the fruits of your labor by guaranteeing you three basic freedoms at all times:

  • Freedom to send BTC.

  • Freedom to receive BTC.

  • Freedom to HODL BTC.

Combined, these three freedoms allow you to live your life on your own terms. Bitcoin gives you total freedom over your wealth. With Bitcoin, you'll be able to save without having to constantly give in to the consumer society that pushes you to spend your American dollar on unnecessary things.

Bitcoin will give you access to the only two riches that matter in life

Bitcoin is the digital currency that will change your money's future for the better. By buying Bitcoin, you are entering a revolution that aims to give power back to the people. Sure, it's not as sexy in the short term as what all those Sh*tcoins are offering you.

However, in the long run, there is nothing more powerful in the cryptocurrency world than what Bitcoin can offer you. To understand this, there is no secret. You're going to have to constantly expand your knowledge to gain the confidence to become a Bitcoin HODLer no matter what.

It won't be easy every day. Bitcoiners have also had their doubts during their Bitcoin journey. But if you continue to stay the course, you will be among the most rewarded in the future. I'm not talking about money here, but about power over your life.

If you choose to buy Bitcoin, you are voting to take control of your life by giving you the chance to have abundant access to the two essential riches of life: time and freedom.

It's up to you to make the best decision for your future.

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ssaurel Verified Member

Entrepreneur / Developer / Blogger / Author.

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In Bitcoin We Trust

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