"Martian Exodus" - Original Flash Sci-Fi and Digital Art

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With their planet's death imminent, every Martian desperately hoped to gain a spot on one of the five survival spacecraft.

But they also knew that the ships could only carry - at the most - 10-12% of the planet's population of 4 Bn.

A select few guaranteed passage: Those were the Martians with mission essential skills , Scholars and experts in STEM, Art, Music and Dance and a small group of elders with in-depth heritage preservation knowledge.

And lastly, a lottery was held to choose a group of 100-150 Martians with "voyage enhancing" skills (aka concubines, "socializers", "physical therapists", etc).

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It took less than a week to load supplies, check-off passenger rosters and pre-flight the five Space Ark Behemoths.

As the huge flying ziggurats lifted off, a banner flashed on every Martian's Mind's Eye screens: "The Votes have been tallied. Final Destination: The Planet EA (Earth)."

Submitted for your entertainment.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech,


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I'm a single papa actively enjoying my varied passions (e.g., Writing, Disruptive Technology, Cryptocurrency, plus more hobbies too bizarre for most folk). I live on an island paradise with my teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.

(IJCH) Life, People, and Philosophy
(IJCH) Life, People, and Philosophy

IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings on Life, People and Philosophy)

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