Trust and Good Actors Pt. 4
Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the blockchain. It does not collect or store personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-hard Turing test at the same time for everyone around the globe.
The Idena blockchain is driven by proof-of-person consensus: Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity, one single person with equal voting power.
This experiment has been run previously in order to find best practices to give out an Idena Code - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Community Dev Mahmoud Helps Out
The Trust Experiment has taken an interesting turn. Community Dev Mahmoud has created a tool to help with the verification using the Idena Sign On(Github).
The tool designed by Mahmoud generates a token using the Idena Sign On. We use this token to verify the person has a setup and synced Idena node. This verifies the person is not a bot and has a fully functional Idena Node.
How to Receive Invite:
1. Download and run a fully synced node from Idena
2. Use the Idena Sign On to generate a token.
3. Copy this token and reach out to PaleBlueDot on Discord or Telegram.
4. Prove you're a good human actor with proper blockchain knoweldge through chat process.
5. Have your Idena Address activated after passing test.
6. Validate your Idena node on Validation day
Our results will be shown here .
Wallet address to support project: 0xE23dF5eEBBE2A1aC58DD20A9A7aF79252c4510D1