A heart

Love is Everyones Weakness

By Me and I | The red and dark | 16 Jun 2024

 We may desire no wrongdoing but if our sexual desires take over, we can hurt others therefore our sexual needs can be the evil side of everyone.

Deep inside I feel that only a small percentage of people can keep their sexual needs under control.

And when those two people find each other, that is where true love lies.

The music that plays on the radio and the lyrics that are recited by its listeners also doesnt help control these desires, in fact I personally think it exacerbates them.

People give other people illusions in order to get certain things in life.

Sometimes those illusions are completely decieving.

Decievement is where evil lies.

Like it or not you will come across these people more often than not in life.

Love is a weakness, its everyones weakness, a weakness that can be used against them if that love is put in the wrong place.

Love the right things.

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Me and I
Me and I

Lets shake it up a bit.

The red and dark
The red and dark

The red and dark, things are red, things are dark.

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