DO NOT suppress your inner DEMONS

By Me and I | The red and dark | 13 May 2023

The greatest people and also movie characters had a dark side. The best stories come out of ones evil self. You may feel anger towards your parents, may be you feel a negative emotion towards a family member or person from work. You must let your dark side out in one way or another, you have to express any negative emotion you may have inside you. We all want positivity and want to spread love but sometimes you have to express your negative emotions. On that note heres my latest song.

This song is inspired by Robert Greenes books, The Harry Potter books and a bit of my childhood.

Let your inner demons out. 

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Me and I
Me and I

Lets shake it up a bit.

The red and dark
The red and dark

The red and dark, things are red, things are dark.

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