Instructions to exploit Pi Network to hoard Pi waiting for the opportunity

By HuynhKes | Making-money-online | 11 Aug 2020


Does anyone know about the Pi Network project?  Guide to mining coin on the hottest Pi Network application today, is thriving and will soon be a coin on the market!  If you want to accumulate free coin, hurry up, coming to the transfer phase, you will not earn free coins but have to make new transactions!  Information you can verify on google


♻️ Sharing for those who want to invest but fear failure or no capital or make money online is great!


Step 1: Download an application called Pi Network on CH Play or App Store.

Step 2: Go to the app, create an account with your phone number or facebook.  Note, if the phone number, remember to choose the country you live in and the real information for easier verification later!

Step 3: Enter Invitation Code (required):

             👉👉👉 HuynhPiazz 👈👈👈

Step 4: After creating your account, follow the instructions!

♻️ Every day after 24 hours, press the power button in the app to start mining!  Invite more friends to speed up mining.  Any questions please ibox me through this fanpage!

Good luck!

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My name is Huynh, from Vietnam, I am very happy to be a member of Publish0x


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