
Bonus up to 100 EURO to take (New app)

By Foxhunter | hunter24 | 14 Jul 2020

Novelty! An application that for downloading, verifying and depositing a minimum of 50 € allows you to win a quick bonus in a fairly decent amount. You can take between 1 and 100 €, which you can immediately withdraw to a bank account or cryptocurrency wallet.

Swissborg wealth app is an application designed to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. It has no hidden commissions, and in addition its creators have their own CHSB token - listed on Coinmarketcap.

As part of the current promotion, for downloading the application, registration and account verification and a minimum deposit of 50 € (here I recommend paying 55 €, just in case the rate changes) in crypto or bank transfer you will receive a free Bitcoin voucher equivalent to 1 up to 100 €.
The bonus value is given randomly.

Step by step instructions on how to collect the bonus

Do not skip any of the points:

1.Download app
2.You register in it via the link with the promotional code (no promotion without the code)
3.You verify your account according to the instructions (standard KYC: ID, passport or driving license and selfie) and then make a deposit of a minimum of 50 € (from a bank or btc account)
4.You get a bonus in the range of 1-100 € (randomly allocated, when you receive the coupon, you slide your finger on the screen like on a "scratch card" and the amount of the bonus received is revealed to you)
5.You pay out everything (bonus + what you deposited)
6.Additionally, you can recommend this option by sharing your link with the promotional code with others and then both your friend and you will receive a bonus in the range of 1-100 €.


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