Bulgaria 1 lev, 1912. The third Bulgarian kingdom, Tsar Ferdinand I

By Andrii Androshchuk | Hroshen | 24 Jul 2020




  • Krause number: KM# 31
  • Circulation: 2 000 000
  • Country: Bulgaria
  • Denomination of the coin: 1 lev
  • Years of minting: 1912, 1913
  • Year of the coin: 1912
  • Period: The Third Bulgarian Kingdom (1908 - 1946)
  • Ruler: Ferdinand I
  • Material: Silver 0.835
  • Coin type: Circulation coins
  • Group: Inscription
  • Form: Circle
  • Obverse/reverse: Coin (180 °)
  • Weight (g): 5
  • Diameter (mm): 23
  • Thickness (mm): 1.3
  • Mint: Kremnica, Austria-Hungary


Obverse: ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I / ЦАРЬ НА БЪЛГАРИТѢ (Ferdinand I / KING of BULGARIA) Reverse: 1 ЛЕВЪ Artist: Both - Rudolf Marshall.

The obverse of the coin depicts a bust of Tsar Ferdinand I. A pattern of dashes and an inscription (Ferdinand I / KING of BULGARIA) follow the circumference of the coin.

The reverse in the center shows the denomination of the coin of 1 lev, below the denomination is the date of minting the coin "1912".

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Andrii Androshchuk
Andrii Androshchuk

I like running. My blog about running and digital marketing: https://androshchuk.com


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