Join the FARM meme contest and win FARM tokens ! Over $4,500 (approx) in prizes !

Hey gang for those of you who have not joined in on the yield farming craze yet here is your chance to get rewarded FARM so that you can start farming with no investment on your part (aside from gas). The team over at is putting together the biggest meme contest EVER to give back to the community and show it's supporters some love. The prizes being offered are BY FAR the most i have ever seen for any meme competition, so bring your A game. Over the course of the next week they will be taking submissions and the team will determine the winners on Sunday, September 20 at 11.59 PM UTC.



Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us - the more memes the better. Also, if you guys have not checked out the APY's and farming strategies lately, check out the new wiki : Harvest Finance. Harvest is not just another forked food project or YFI clone, it is a serious financial tool that utilizes a sophisticated yet simple farming strategy that currently farms and sells SWRV to increase the underlying token (fUSDT, fDAI, and fUSDC)

The prizes/rules for the meme contest are as follows :

First Place - 10 FARM tokens (approximately $1,200 at the time of this post)

Second Place - 7 Farm tokens (approximately $770 at the time of this post)

Third Place - 5 FARM tokens (approximately $550 at the time of this post)

and Fourth - Tenth place all receive 3 FARM tokens (approximately $330 at the time of this post)

How to submit your dank farming memes : 

Submissions will ONLY be accepted via twitter. To be included in the contest tweet your memes, tag @harvest_finance and include #BreadForThePeople

Submissions close 1pm UTC, Saturday, September 19th

At that time the team will select 10 of their favorites to be voted on by the community.

Community voting voting begins after 1pm UTC, Sunday September 20th

Voting ends 11.59PM UTC, Sunday, September 20th

Prizes will be distributed on Monday, September 21st

Feel free to join our Discord server and post your memes in the memepool as well to get some early community exposure.


To see the current price and metrics of the FARM token, see


Harvest Finance Discord

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Harvest Finance Medium

Harvest Finance Wiki

Harvest Finance Website 

Harvest Finance Reddit


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As a crypto investor with limited resources i have recently learned several ways to maximize my crypto portfolio in some creative ways. I had to think outside the box and use every resource at my disposal. I have found that the greatest resource is my network. The more eyes/minds you have on any given subject, the more thoughts and ideas you get on that subject. With that in mind, let me share my experience with you.

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