Right Way to Approach a Bull Market

Right Way to Approach a Bull Market: Lower Expectations and Learn to Be Content

By Hotcoin | Hotcoin | 17 Jan 2025

Yes, the bull market has arrived. Investors are excited, prices are rising, and the dream of becoming wealthy seems just within reach. But this doesn’t mean everything will go smoothly. Along the way, there will always be short-term pullbacks, bringing pressure and anxiety. Over-optimism and the temptation of high returns are common features of a bull market. Avoiding common traps and improving your investment skills is more important than ever.

What traps should you avoid?

  1. Trying to seize every opportunity
    Chasing every opportunity and researching too many coins can lead to constant portfolio changes. Avoid making frequent trades. Having too many options can cause confusion in decision-making. Listen to a few trusted voices, but make your own decisions.
  2. Constantly comparing your returns to others
    Seeing others' coins rise while yours remain flat can tempt you to change positions. However, if you lack a proper understanding of the coin you're about to buy, you won't know its advantages or potential. Always invest with a clear strategy.
  3. Don’t sell strong coins for weaker ones
    Remember, the strong stay strong. Selling strong assets often leads to holding weaker ones. It’s important to accept when you've made a mistake and not let pride stop you from recognizing a temporary failure.
  4. Chasing highs and selling too late
    The bull market won’t be smooth sailing. In the later stages, many rush to buy at peak prices, swayed by optimistic news and wealth stories. But this phase is short-lived. Many get carried away by inflated numbers and forget to sell, thinking the market will keep rising. As the market turns, prices drop, and those who waited too long watch their profits turn to losses.
  5. Lack of patience and frequent short-term trading
    Frequent trading based on short-term fluctuations can limit your profits. Those who trade often may make small gains, but large profits are harder to achieve. Patience is key to long-term success in investing. Without enough market experience, blindly following trends will only lead to losses.

What investment skills should you develop?

  1. In a bull market, the ultimate goal is knowing when to take profits and be content
    At a party hosted by a billionaire on Shelter Island, Kurt Vonnegut told his friend Joseph Heller, "The host, a hedge fund manager, made more money in one day than you did with your bestselling novel Catch-22 in its entire publishing history." Heller smiled and replied, “Yes, but I have something he’ll never have—contentment.”
    Even if you buy at the lowest point and sell at the highest, you may still feel unsatisfied. This is the reality for many investors who constantly compare their returns to others.

  2. Manage your expectations and avoid setting them too high
    Partner at Placeholder: "Don’t set expectations too high during a bull market—preserving your profits is key." As token prices rise, more attention is drawn to them, eventually turning into buying power. The higher the price goes, the more people focus on potential returns, but the later you enter the market, the more unfavorable your position becomes.

  3. Don’t rush into investing—wait for the right moment
    Timing is crucial. Without it, your efforts may backfire. Entering at the end of a bull market means buying inflated prices, just as buying during the end of a bear market means purchasing at rock-bottom prices. If you missed the right time, don’t rush—wait for the next opportunity. Simple strategies are often the most powerful.

Understand and respect market cycles
Recognizing, identifying, and aligning with market cycles is more important than just following trends. Economic cycles, including bull and bear phases, are inevitable—just like the changing seasons.In conclusion, to make substantial profits, you need to follow the market trend, choose the right timing, reduce trading frequency, maintain patience, and implement sound risk manage

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