calm in my mind (revised)



Plagued by uncertainty Am7

I long to be freed

From my anxiety 


Loud violent sounds 

Echos all around 

Still, my peace abounds


Your love divine 

Is the Calm in my mind 

Your words divine 

Are the calm in my mind 


Governments are Shaking

Cultures are quaking

Still, my faith is not fading 


The chaos that I see 

Is what you said would be 

Proving your sovereignty


Your love divine 

Is the Calm in my mind 

Your words divine

Are the calm in my mind

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I a Christian gospel blues singer song writer from Philadelphia

Heat of the Prophetsong
Heat of the Prophetsong

Life is about living in right relationship with God. This blog is about Mike sharing his personal life experience with the Lord to help other find their way.

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