Gods Unchained Video: Deception vs War

By servelle | Gods Unchained Gameplay | 26 Mar 2022

In this video I show the gameplay of a battle between the goddess of deception Ludia and the god of war Auros, the game is played at Midnight Shadow rank.

I play Ludia with the power "Olpheo's Distraction" which causes 1 damage and hides the target for one turn, it's very efficient to cross the opponent's defenses (Frontlines).

My opponent has a higher level (8 vs 7) but power cards equivalent to mine, he plays Auros with the power "Slayer" which causes 2 damage on my goddess.

I highlight again the "Vault Vagabond" card that allowed me to win by getting many copies of my opponent's deck cards.

Vault Vagabond


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Gods Unchained Gameplay
Gods Unchained Gameplay

In this blog i show gameplay videos of battles in Gods Unchained blockchain game.

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