Gods Unchained Gameplay Video: Self Destruction

By servelle | Gods Unchained Gameplay | 7 May 2022

In this short video (5mn) I show the gameplay of a battle between Thaeriel the god of light and Malissus the goddess of death in the blockchain game "Gods Unchained".

The Malissus gameplay my opponent plays is based on destruction, including self-destruction as his spells do damage to both gods, including the "Soul Burn" power, it is only viable in my opinion with creatures with the "Leech" ability but my opponent did not play it.

Thaeriel's gameplay is based on boosts and healing hence the power I chose "Heal".

At the beginning of the game my opponent systematically destroys my creatures, but also inflicts damage to himself, I highlight the cards "Holy Enchanter" and "Radiant Spirit".
My opponent gives up because the point gap became too big, but he still had a chance.




Do not hesitate to try this game, it's free to play and you are given cards to start with, then it's easy to earn new ones by playing.

For more information see:
A good site for studying cards, creating or exploring decks:

Cross posted on Hive blog with french translation:



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Cryptolover, investor, gamer, gambler.

Gods Unchained Gameplay
Gods Unchained Gameplay

In this blog i show gameplay videos of battles in Gods Unchained blockchain game.

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