In this video I show the gameplay of a quick battle between Ludia and Auros in which the hits were early and continuous, so that the opponent was destroyed without even realizing it I think.
I play Ludia Goddess of Deception with the power "Olpheo's Distraction" which is the only deception ability I used in this battle.
My opponent plays Auros the God of War with the power "Enrage" which he did not use.
I highlight the creature "Felid Assassin" which for a cost of 1 mana did most of the damage with its strength of 3. It is fragile with 1 hit point, but hidden at its summoning, then protected by a frontline like "Shield Maiden" which costs only 2 mana it proves to be very effective.
The creature "Jynxblade Duelist" allowed to destroy potentially dangerous creatures without being destroyed thanks to its ability that allows it to increase its life points at the end of the turn.
My opponent used his relics to destroy my creatures but he lost Hits points in these attacks, until the last one which killed him.
Thanks for watching
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