How to use GetBlock Binance Smart Chain (BNB) nodes?

By GetBlock | GetBlock News & Updates | 28 Sep 2022

BNB Chain — formerly known as Binance Smart Chain — is Binance's proprietary industry-leading network. BSC nodes are typically hosted through providers, such as GetBlock, to provide up-to-date services to users. In this article, we will discuss how GetBlock customers can harness new technologies to boost their Decentralized Applications hosted on the Binance chain.

What is special about BNB Chain?

By using advanced blockchain technology, BNB Chain guarantees complete compatibility with Ethereum. This allows access to Ethereum Virtual Machine tools and applications. Binance's platform uses its own version of Proof-of-Staked-Authority consensus. Referred to as PoSA, this system combines Proof-of-Authority and Proof-of-Stake methods. Anyone is able to become a validator on the platform; however, users must stake their BNB tokens in addition to staking their identity or reputation. This system offers reduced transaction fees and shorter block times.


As mentioned, Binance recently underwent a major rebranding and brought some updates, including:

  • Increased number of validators (from 21 to 41);
  • Increase the throughput of Binance Smart Chain;
  • Introduce on-chain governance;
  • Realize the expansion from single chain to multi-chain.

By utilizing blockchain-as-a-service through a provider such as GetBlock, developers can quickly and easily access the Ethereum platform’s infrastructure. The platform is among the most recognizable and largest in the blockchain ecosystem, making its ecosystem a huge asset to many web3 developers. Running BNB nodes on the platform through GetBlock is one of the most cost-effective and time-saving methods for accessing the chain.

Run BNB (BSC) nodes with GetBlock

GetBlock started as a leading provider of blockchain nodes in 2019. Since then, the company has expanded its services to support 40 other networks.


Thanks to both the high reliability of the BSC blockchain and GetBlock’s blockchain node provider, clients regularly purchase BSC node addresses. Users can choose between a shared or dedicated option when purchasing a node address, but what’s the difference?

 Shared nodes for BNB (BSC) nodes

As a beginner friendly option, BNB shared nodes are commonly chosen by startups and web3 newbies. By sharing their blockchain infrastructure with peers, users can experiment with their decentralized applications right away. Furthermore, GetBlock offers new users a free one-month trial with 40k daily requests.

Dedicated nodes for BNB (BSC) nodes

BSC offers professional-made private nodes for businesses or crypto entrepreneurs. Dedicated nodes are selected by regular GetBlock clients— they’re perfect for web3 businesses. GetBlock offers complete 24/7 tech support for owners of blockchain nodes. They also offer a large range of options for choosing specifications for BSC nodes. Everyone can take advantage of a one-month free trial when choosing a BSC node.

Begin the process by logging into your GetBlock account.

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GetBlock is a Blockchain RPC provider that offers fast and easy API connection to full nodes of 50+ blockchains, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), among others.

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GetBlock is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides a fast and easy API connection to full nodes from many leading blockchain platforms. Here we're going to publish updates related to the project development.

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