Make Money with InboxDollars!

By BrianJCH | Frugal For Less | 15 May 2020

2 cents per session. 20 videos, 30 seconds each, per session. 2 cents in 10 minutes. If left on 24/7, your potential earnings a week could be $20.16just for leaving your computer on. Interested? Let's go.

The website I'm going to introduce you to lets you earn by watching videos, surfing the web, completing surveys, finishing paid offers, and even playing games. This amazing website is known as InboxDollars (or InboxPounds, depending on where you are). 

Making Money by Watching Videos

As you can see, I've generated $19.10 this past week by leaving my computer on. Oh, wait. I forgot to mention something. InboxDollars pays you $5 as a reward for signing up! Don't feel too happy, though. The minimum withdrawal is $30, but you should reach that easily!

As I mentioned earlier, you can make money with InboxDollars just by watching videos. When you head over to the videos section, there's a section at the top that has an auto sign on it. Those are the videos that are the most profitable. Just click on it and leave it open! It's a pretty ample amount of money for doing nothing, don't you think? Well, these aren't the only ways to make money!

InboxDollars also allows you to take surveys. However, I don't recommend these, as they are targeted towards a specific audience, and most of the time, you are screened out. I've learned this through past experience, and I'd say that I have spent a couple of hours on surveys that don't accept me. But moving on! They also let you earn money by surfing the web. How does it work? Every time you search, some progress is added to your "Scratch and Win" bar at the top. The first card allows you to earn up to $10, the second allows you to win up to $50, and the third, if you're lucky, can let you win $100. Insane, isn't it? But wait, there's more!

I mentioned at the beginning that you could make money by playing games as well. This works similarly to surfing the web. As you play, progress is added to your "Scratch and Win" bar. Pretty fun way to make money, right?

It's perfectly normal to feel suspicious about this site, but trust me: it really pays. It offers payouts through gift cards, Paypal, and checks. Just click on the videos with the auto symbol and watch the money slowly trickle in. Wait. I forgot to mention ANOTHER thing. If you refer people, you automatically make $1 and 30% of what they make forever. So, if you refer, let's say, 10 people, and they all follow your strategy with watching videos to make $20 a week, that's $80 a month for them, multiplied by 10, which is $800 total. 30% of $800 is $240 a month for you, just by watching them work! Oh, right, you also get a dollar for each referral, so that's $250 for the first month! Then, if they refer people, their profit increases, which means more money  for you! If you wish, you can buy cryptocurrency with the money. Who cares? It's your money. At least, it will be if you sign up. 

So what are you waiting for? Sign up here! Happy earning!



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