Day 11 : from 0 to 1 Bitcoin : Adding wirex to my strategy


After 10 days of hard work I have reached 0,0005 BTC, starting from 0. I am still far from goal to reach 1 BTC in the 355 remaining days of my challenge but very motivated! My daily revenu is now around 0,0001 BTC (you can read my last daily update here) .

Today I am adding a new tool to my challenge : Wirex.

What is wirex ?

Wirex is something between a bank and an online Wallet. You can deposit FIAT or crypto assets, convert them and spend them for your daily paiments with their free VISA card.

I do not plan to spend my crypto as you can imagine ! My goal is to accumulate as much cryto 5BTC first !) as I can this year. I'm gonna use Wirex for something else : their Cryptoback™ rewards. 


Wirex Visa Payment Card

This is a Visa card that is contactless and lets you make payments using your Wirex account. Thanks to the use of this card, you can essentially spend your cryptocurrency just like you would any fiat currency, including in restaurants, stores, or on public transport. 

This card is free. 

With it you will be able to :

  • Connect your card to your Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, WAVES or XRP wallets and spend in them in everyday life
  • Instantly convert Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, WAVES and XRP to GBP, EUR and USD at live rates
  • Cryptoback™ rewards you with 0.5% in Bitcoin every time you punch in your pin, swipe, or use contactless with your Wirex Visa card in-store

As you can imagine that's the crypto Cryptoback™ rewards and the 0.5% in Bitcoin cash back that interest me.

I checked, I spend monthly more then 500 $ in credit card. If I use this card I will accumulate 25 000 free satohis per month !

Opening a WIREX account is free and the card is free !

Bonus : Refer-a-Friend program

Wirex also offers a Refer-a-Friend program. This lets you earn Bitcoin for free by inviting family and friends to join Wirex as well.

With this program, you and your friends each earn as much as $10 in the form of Bitcoin :

- when your friend purchases $100 worth of cryptocurrencies using their debit or credit card, both of you receive $5 in BTC.

- when your friend orders their Wirex Visa card and makes their first purchase in-store, regardless of purchase, you each get another $5 in BTC.

So i found a referral link on the internet and I will earn 50 000 free satoshis when I will first use my free Visa card ! 

So basically thats 50 000 +25 000 = 75 000 free satoshis the first month. This will help my challenge a lot !


If you are interested and you also want to use WIREX for free, you can use this link : and we will both earn 50 000 satohis.


I ordred my card this morning. It should take a week to be delivred. I'll of course keep you posted.

Have a nice day.


You want to help me achieve my challenge?

Here is what you can do :

  • Try these amazing faucets to get free bitcoin:

Claim free coins:

Onebitco : Claim 7-14 satoshi every 5 minutes

Starbits : 5 satoshis every 5 minutes

Claimbits : 6 satoshis every 5 minutes

MoonCash - Bitcoin Cash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDash - Dash

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonLite - Litecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

MoonBit - Bitcoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 50% of what you will claim ) :

MoonDoge - Dogecoin

If you want to support my project and try this Faucet, please use this link (I'll gain 25% of what you will claim ) :

Thank you very much in advance !



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Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey

From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge
From 0 to 1 Bitcoin challenge

Crypto enthusiast. I challenged myself to accumulate 1 bitcoin starting from 0 in 1 year. I'll share with you this journey.

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