Unlocking the Future of Finance: The Fractal Ecosystem AMA

    Unlocking the Future of Finance: The Fractal Ecosystem AMA

par coreteam | Oct 27, 2023 | Announcements | 0 commentaires

Before starting to read this article, please note that a French version is available here.

We are excited to inform you that an AMA (Ask Me Anything) event is scheduled for early December. The exact date will be communicated to you soon. We want to further engage you in our project and provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and gain insights into various aspects of Fractal Ecosystem.

This AMA will be a unique opportunity to delve deep into our vision, strategy, and future direction. We will address critical topics such as the integration of FDR into our expanding ecosystem, business tokenization, and the new financial structure that will serve as a bridge between all our subsidiaries.

We strongly encourage our community to participate in this event. Your presence and questions are essential in helping us build a stronger and more resilient ecosystem. We look forward to sharing this experience with you and deepening the understanding of what Fractal Ecosystem represents.

Stay tuned for more details on the date, time, and participation instructions for this AMA. We are confident that it will strengthen our community and our project as a whole.

Stay connected, and together, we will build a brighter future.


Original post : https://www.fdreserve.com/ama-unlocking-the-future-of-finance/



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