Two new liquidity pools on Smardex for Hashning by FDR

FDR announcement :

We are excited to announce some recent updates to our project. We are pleased to inform you of the creation of two new liquidity pools: HNING/wBTC and HNING/wFDR.

These pools have been designed to provide our investors with better accessibility and easier positioning within our ecosystem. With these new pool options, you can now more easily place yourself in our ecosystem by taking advantage of the liquidity of HNING paired with wBTC and wFDR.

We are confident that these new pools will enhance our offering and allow each of you to maximize your investment opportunities. Please explore these new possibilities and take advantage of the benefits they provide.

The pools have just been created, and we advise you to disable the "aggregator" function.
Whatever asset you use:
First, swap to BTCB (Bitcoin Binance)
Then, you can swap BTCB/HNING

We will notify you as soon as everything runs smoothly on Smardex.




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