Find Your Masternode goes to #1000 powered by FDR

We are happy to announce that FYMN has reached #1000 hosted masternodes.


While there continues to be extra volatility in the crypto market, and experts predict the ups and downs to continue as investors wrestle with rising inflation, geopolitical tensions, and potential changes in U.S. monetary policy....

.... The French Digital Reserve we know and support, is integrating its masternode service. With Find Your Masternode it is possible to deploy a masternode without any technical knowledge. This seems one of the reason why on FYMN there are already more than #1000 hosted masternodes and around half of those are French Digital Reserve masternodes.


This is an important milestone for a community driven project, an important synergy between FDR, one of the less consuming blockchain project and FYMN one of the cheapest in the crypto world ensuring a price between 0.50$ and 1$ per slot per month. For the moment FDR are focused on masternode projects such as PIVX and its derivatives like IPV4 and IPV6.

This synergy should ensure a long a solid term growth, thanks to a more secure, scalable and sustainable technology. Community adoption is increasing organically and naturally, without any forced marketing plan.

It took 8 months to reach this goal, from September 2021 to April 2022, by the way :

  • On November   7, 2021 it was reached 500 hosted MN.
  • On November 12, 2021 it was reached 750 hosted MN.


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Past millestones

There are various cryptos that are accepted as payment methods in order to facilitate access to the hosting. Most of these cryptos are masternode cryptos, that allow users to pay directly with the generated rewards instead of paying with fiat. FDR, DXO, DASHD, FLS, 777, MONK and SMARTCASH masternode crypto accepted together with other 2 populars one as DOGE and LTC.

FDR team is working on the integration of the Lightning Network BTC and BSC tokens to pay for hosting. The platform is still in Beta version, but other features will be added in order to have more tools on the platform like statistics or monitoring.


The FDR ecosystem is delivering on its promises in terms of economy, ecology, community adoption and ease of use to encourage users to discover this decentralised technology.

Disclaim : this is not a financial advice





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Lorenzo The big Brain
Lorenzo The big Brain

Italian Romantic Songwriter and Musicoin believer

French Digital Reserve
French Digital Reserve

French Digital Reserve is one of the first masternode coin to maximize rewards values using DeFi tokens. The profits earned on the family of tokens are reinvested in the markets through massive buybacks. This daily action produces a permanent buying pressure in order to increase the value of your investment.

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