
Citibank moved Institutional accounts to new Token

By Keith Thuerk | Financial Stewardship | 20 Sep 2023

Citibank moved Institutional accounts to new Token

The road to CBDC is being paved as cars are driving behind the paving machine. Odd analogy, I agree, but I want you to visualize how quickly the US is rolling out the CBDC system.  Most will not even know its going on as its hidden in plain sight.


In the past few days Citibank which is just one of the worlds largest Banks I.E. 10 Top banks using AUM as the gauge.

Citi just converted their institutional investor accounts from Fiat $ into Tokens.  Not sure how much of the $74B in AUM that accounts for but you can bet it is not carrying around cash. See now that they have the big boys on the block playing ball, it will be much easier to drag the Muppets/Chattel onto their new system.  What you might not realize is this is a form of Corporate Fascism which blends the state and corporate powers to push their will and increase power over you.

Officially known as Citi Token Services

Which is run by their Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions (AKA ITS) organization to provide Token and Smart Contract for trade finance and core cash management business across the globe. 

Citi Token services run on Blockchain

The Citi Token is a private blockchain (think control) vs open on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Mark my word I bet its fully extensible to US CBDC. Care to wager? Citi is pushing for fast worldwide transfers as the impetus for this migration as well as 24/7 access. Like somehow Citi invented blockchain and its now available for everyone?!? I can't think why this offering would be beneficial let alone anyone wanting to use it? Still can't find any insight into who Citi was working with on this Blockchain, was it IBM? Was it Accenture? Was this approved by BIS & WEF?



I always have my radar up when I hear we will let you do this... Geez thanks Dad, pretty sure I can do it better than you already.  Beware the witch in the forest bringing candy to the lost children, just never know where you might end up. 



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Summary pic from Andy

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

Currently learning about Crypto & DeFi to combat the Inflationary Tidal wave coming our way!

Financial Stewardship
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