Bitcoin Experiment: Financial Freedom with Faucets?! Week 21

By favicon | fav | 6 Dec 2020

I signed up at TronBanners (yeah, I know...), it's a free traffic exchange that I use to promote my Referral link to now. There is also a premium option, which may be cool to use. Anyways, all potential earnings will move to this experiment's pool and used to mine BFG

And please make sure to Follow Me on the Social Medias :)


Now to the stats

The idea is to only use my time, freebies and interest services to grow a balance that is self-sustaining and allows me to life in a low-cost country. Is this even possible? We'll see...

Screenshot from 20201206 100649.png
I'm super unlucky!

Days Running: 145

Passive Mining


  • BetFury 599.53 578.41 BFG [+ 21.12]

Guide: Free Passive Mining at BetFury


TronBanners: 0

Financial Independence: NO

Money Makers this Week


Do you know any freebies or very good paying faucets? Happy to get some help here 😘

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Originally posted on LeoFinance Beta

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