Well the title of this post kinda speaks for it self. This is a mining system that take use of your GPU or CPU to mine coins that is much better to mine on your PC where some coins like doge is not good to mine on your PC and ASIC mining coins. Now this system have you mine other coins which are good to mine with your GPU or CPU and pay you out in the coin you choose from the start.
I will explain a bit about this system and how to quickly set it up to run on your latptop or desktop to start mining in the background and much more.
1. You will need to go to UnMineable and go to the download page
2. Click on the green button as shown in the image below and let it download. When its downloaded please click the .exe file that are inside the .zip file to start install the mining system.
3. When installed you will get this screen where you can pick between using GPU or CPU, i would recommend to only use CPU if you do not have a higher end gaming PC, but since i do i choose GPU for this.
4. When you click next you will be sent to the page where you will choose your coin. i have picked dogecoin because that whats i mined, but you can pick what ever coin you want. Have in mind some of the coins can be mined but are too hard to mine for a normal PC and why they are under this, but some others like TRX and ATOM which isn't possible to mine is also there.
The system just mine algo's with your GPU and CPU that is easy to mine for gaming PCs and reward you in the picked coin.
5. Now you are all setup to mine the coin you choose for this, have in mind the system start on low power mining, but you can change that in the settings that you can find beside of the stop button
6. Here you can change if you want to be high or low power and make a custom one for your needs. Also you can also set the referral code to get 0.25% off yourr 1% mining fee so its only 0.75% by adding c4i4-xlh4 which is my code and will also support me a lot by doing so.
Now you are all setup and if you want to earn kicker jsut do the same all over again on all your other laptops and such with the same payout address and it will put the earnings together made from the different PC's you are mining with.
You can also click on the stats button to see more stats for that address as well your own referral code and link that you can use to earn more by getting more miners to the pool.
UnMineable support a ton of coins so there is something for everyone!