Pancakeswap partners up with Hardware Wallet Provider: Keystone

By Fgeletterd | Michielangelo's Gems | 16 Feb 2022

So awesome news! ´Basic Design. The Contract Application Binary Interface (ABI) is the standard way to interact with contracts in the Ethereum ecosystem, both from outside the blockchain and for contract-to-contract interaction. ... This specification does not address contracts whose interface is dynamic or otherwise known only at run-time.´ (This ABI explanation comes from soliditylang)

This means that any contracts you make on Pancakeswap, can be stored safely on the Keystone. Which is new and cool since Pancakeswap gives you the option to get very high APY's on staking but didn't give you the safety of a hardware wallet YET.

So the Keystone basicly is a more advanced version of the Safepal S1 that I already reviewed, they also work with QR codes but the material seems more decent and the screen of the Keystone is bigger. The Keystone ensures your private keys will never leave the Keystone and the whole project is Open Source, which means if you understand what all the coding is about: you can see how they can make it possible to keep your private information inside of your hardware wallet. The Safepal S1 also promises the same safety but they are not Open-Sourced. Which means you can never be 100% sure if your information get's shared or not.

The Keystone is fully compatible with Metamask which makes the playing around with DeFi and NFTs quite easy peasy lemon squeezy. For the rest: The Keystone has a 4 inch touchscreen, detachable battery, Micro SD firmware upgrades, fingerprint authentication, self destruc mechanism, Web authentication, Multi-Signature support, third party wallet support and a special backup system.

So here is a picture of the actual device:


It does come with an expensive price ticket of $479. Which will not be for all of us, heck not for me. I prefer to invest that money now. Although I will be pretty jealous of the people that have one. But with an alluminium body and protective hard shell case + water resistent and shockproof according to military standards you can not expect a cheaper price. 

And the best comes here: Pancakeswap is supported. Here is how you can win one:

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Healthcare worker interested in saving money, buying stocks, buying crypto and achieving FIRE! I really love my job. But working 36 hours a week to be in the rat race is just not my thing. And I hope it's also not your thing :)

Michielangelo's Gems
Michielangelo's Gems

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