Why Hacks Are Gaining Momentum

Hackers have recently been upping their game and exploiting more and more projects. Recently, the hack that had occurred several days back was for 115 million dollars which is just completely mind blowing in the first place. I couldn't even believe my eyes when i read that all 115 million dollars had successfully gone untouched. I was surprised it wasn't a rug pull because it really looked like one. The hack is extremely clean, a bit too clean in my opinion which is why i had doubted its genuinity in the first place. 115,000,000 is just so hard to comprehend; it really is. 

Regardless, while hacks are becoming more frequent, atleast we're in a bull market. It's important to realize that hacks are only ramping up because we're in a bullmarket. Not the other way around; hackers have the most success with social engineering and things of the such only during times like these where everyone is mostly busy making money to really glance twice at a job offer from a fake company made just to sneak into your metamask wallet. This is the approach most hackers take; they don't exploit vulnerabilities in programs or code; they exploit vulnerabilities in you. That's how the world works when it comes up to exploiting on the blockchain, not everyone is skilled enough to realize just how hard it is to exploit into an online system running on amazon's web services. It's basically impossible unless you hack into amazon...which just isn't happening...so what do these hackers do? Hit up employees, offer them job contracts and spend 6 months talking to them just as friends in order to tell them to download just 1 app. This 1 app gives them complete control over everything. Literally. Even their bank accounts. But hackers don't care about a measly 100 grand in the employees life savings, they're more occupied taking control of the 115 million dollars the company you work for has to offer. 

So that's that. I hope you've learnt something in this article and hope that you do your own due dilligence with everything. 


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