Why Bitcoin Won't Lose

Bitcoin's maintained industry dominance for the past...20 years?

Nothing's going to change; it's going to stay the top contender in the crypto industry because of just how successful it's been in the past 20 years. Bitcoin isn't going to 10x, but it sure as hell is going to 2x. 2x'ing is realistic as we've seen it happen more than once. The only thing here is that trillions of dollars are going to have to find their way into the industry. I aim to catch at least one 100x during this market bull. It's unlikely, but it might just happen. I've just got to put my money in as many baskets as possible. Metaphorically. 

I'll do my best to slap as much capital as I possibly can in order to genuinely 10x my cash. 

This season is the season for growth; value; and creation. I am prioritizing my grades and money for the next 5 months. This is when my finals come around. I am valuing school as plan B. I'm not relying on it to take me anywhere because I understand how little can come out of it; but at the same time, I'm not going to let a possible opportunity like this go to waste. I'm going to get a 0.04% percentile grade and if i don't, that's not okay. Because I'm going to try harder than I ever have in my entire life. Investing into bitcoin is a crucial part of my long-term plan. Not to mention it being a crucial part of many plans that belong to millions of people around the world. 

The dawn of bitcoin is already here; the price is skyrocketing, stable, and ready to go up even further. We're just waiting for even more ETFs to be approved. We're soon going to have more than just 1 bitcoin ETF. That's when true growth is going to occur for everyone in the crypto community.

I'm surely looking forwards to the exponential growth of the industry. Not to mention my bank account hopefully going up...it's been going down alot recently...............


Anyhow; that's all for today.


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