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What are the Best Ways to Make Money in Crypto?

Making money has always been difficult. Making small amounts of money on the other hand has always been quite easy.

Today we’re going to be going over 4 of the best ways to make small amounts of money in crypto with no investment whatsoever. I define “small amounts” as $100-$500 in 1-2 months.


Method No. 1: Link Shortening

This method is widely known, but only very little people actually know how to make money using it.

There are a few ways to make money using this method:

  1. Get Affiliates and make 5%-10%
  2. Get clicks on your links

There are several ways to make more money here, but they’re hypothetically just done through enticing people to download a chrome extension or download the opera GX browser.

I personally use this link shortening service as they pay me the most when compared to all the other link shorteners, and are also less intrusive + provide a smoother user experience. Making sure to keep your reputation intact. 
1 way to get people to click your link, is to post your link onto twitter and Reddit - as comments. If you have the time to post 10 comments every single day, I can guarantee you’d start making a few dollars a week with less than 2-3 minutes worth of work each day. You can obviously scale it upwards depending on how much time you’ve got. You can also try this approach through discord servers.

They have the following monetization methods:



Method 2: Cost Per Action Marketing

First off, let me display just how much money you can make when compared to the previous method.

The previous method I had made 25$ in a singular day at my peak - totaling $515 across 3 months of link shortening. It has required tens of thousands (~30,000 clicks) of people to click my link and follow through.


With this 2nd method, it’d take a max of 100-350 people to earn the same amount ($515 USD). Isn’t that insane?

I had to experiment and see for myself; so I did. I hit up a bunch of people on discord, promising to hand over 50% of the revenue they give me, and was able to pocket a really cool $1.7 just from 1 click!!! I also tried experimenting through sending this link through my traffic sources and was heavily disappointed. Nobody goes through them because they look like clear scams. Here are the results.


It was mind boggling, I had just spent the past 3 months getting desensitized to having an absolute ton of clicks that I had forgotten the innate value that every single person has. With enough focus on each individual, I can grow an income source way beyond my usual means. Those 30,000 people I had made click through my link could’ve easily converted to $2,100 USD assuming a 5% conversion rate - and better yet, if I had done it 1 to 1, I know I could’ve gotten atleast 40% to go through the whole thing, which could’ve meant $16,000-$22,000 in just 3 months of hard work. But then again, that’s just theory. I can’t pretend like these are realistic without having ever done it using this sort of marketing. I’ve only ever done link shortening successfully so I can never fully claim to know that these estimates are even close to being accurate or realistic to any extent.

To be completely fair though, in order to make that $1.4 from 1 person, they had to 1) Live in the US - from a residential IP address, VPNs don’t offer this. 2) Insert their US phone number that originates in the US, and 3) Fully complete all forms found on the website. 

Only a person specifically told what to do can genuinely go through this sort of link. So your best bet is to do it in real life, 1 to 1.

A fun and crafty little way to get some money using this could be to:

1) Open up a night club? 

2) Make it free as-long as they complete this link.

3) Make a solid 1.4$ per person. To them it’s free - they should be happy there’s no entrance fee as the average nightclub entrance fee is 5€ Or 5$-15$ for low end nightclubs.

4) Advertise your nightclub.

P.S You can make the following amounts just off of 1 person using method number 2, assuming you’ve got the right country demographic: f0ece275ad90737213fa86fd5d58d60874721cba0cd2c1e352f5ddf17ecfa01e.jpg

Cheers and stay tuned for more.

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