Solana Will Be Destroyed By These Regulations

Solana's founder is very openly conservative, which had prompted up questions about that possibly being a reason as to why Solana's price had been decreasing so heavily over the past several months. 


Their industry statistics show a token ecosystem that is on the rise, while their price clearly shows the direct opposite. 


If only less than 10% of solana users hold other tokens, why on earth are so many of them selling? The reality is that those 6% of solana holders are the rich ones. They're the crypto diversified millionaires that each hold 10k$-100k$ in their solana accounts. Which is exactly why they tend to want to explore other cryptocurrencies in the first place. 


Solana's Co-Founder had said that he believed crypto deserved regulation in this famous quote: "To keep the next great American founder in America, Congress must regulate crypto. But first lawmakers should learn how it works." This is a bold stance as the entire crypto community doesn't want regulation. Arguably, crypto is only so big because of a lack of regulation and is the ultimate form of a free marketplace, which is exactly what Adam Smith had recommended governments do in their own economies since the 1900s. 



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