Mark Cuban Scammed, $1M Lost

How on earth does a f**king billionaire get scammed? 

Honestly, I could understand how it had happened if he lost exactly $1M. For billionaires, that could possibly be chump change which is likely how it had occurred in the first place. A lack of vigilance due to the fact that he had treated it similarly to 1$, nothing of importance. 

If you're a billionaire and lose a million, ofcourse it hurts, but it only really hurts because it hurts your reputation and your reputation is worth more than your networth, it extends past your money and into your life.

If mark cuban can get scammed, you can too. Especially considering the fact that it was done through crypto. And alot of you have crypto, which obviously means you're susceptible to it too. My honest advice for you is to just buy crypto and forget about it, that way you'll never get scammed. But since people are so money hungry, they get scammed very often. The best route is to always ignore everything and then there's no way for a scammer to even talk to you since there's no point of entry into your life. But for a scammer to get into a billionaires' already secluded life and be able to get a million dollars, is just mindblowing. It's so mindblowing i can't even comprehend how it happened, but it did. 

Want to know how he got scammed? here's how.

He downloaded a fake metamask wallet. Like DAMN. IMAGINE LOSING A MILLION DOLLARS TO THAT! I feel bad. Regardless, he said that it was the first time he'd logged into his metamask account in months, which suggests that his hackers/scammers had to have been watching for all of those months which is just crazy. My guess is that it was likely automated which means that he got scammed by a software and not even a human but to be fair a human had to have coded that software. Still crazy tho. 

That's all for today - don't get scammed!

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