A quick case-study will explain everything:
See this website? It's an exploit that sells for 20$. It has gotten over 80,000 customers in the span of 2 years, back when they started, I helped them out with their first 100 non-paying customers. Yes, you read that correctly - nobody paid. I told them to do this in order to get a community. They had 0 members and a half-working product. Those first 100 non paying customers changed their product and website - completely. They made a fan-based subreddit that wasn't even controlled by them, which meant free promotion, that still acts as their many subreddit even today. That's the result of an extremely loyal consumer base, something you get by giving away things for free. You get a small, niche, loyal community that'll do anything for you. That's 100 people praising your product and leaving reviews.
We had 2 mandatory things for all those free users to do as a "promise"(if they didn't, we'd just disable their account :p):
1 - Use the product and report bugs/non working aspects of the app you experience.
2 - Leave a long, detailed review based off of your experience with us and the app. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative, honesty is encouraged.
Everyone loved it. We had serious bugs with the first 10 users, which left us 3 stars on average, but then it went smoothly with the other 90 free users (4.2 stars avg). We also roughly had 10-20 of those free users redirect their friends to the paying-version of the app at a 30% discount later when the product was released (at their own free will, we never told them to)- we started with a 90% discount (still basically free) for the next 30 users, but then we were selling a bit too fast, so we bumped it up to 70% off, and then went right to 30% 3-4 days later after 24 sales (i remember the exact amount). The founder of the project was too busy coding to actually even notice how much money he was making - I still remember his reaction to this day, he was so surprised he paid everyone on the team a 250$ bonus on the same day he found out we reached 300 sales. (This took 5 months of really hard work, it's hard to forget how long these things take - the first 3 and a half months were spent collecting up those first 100 free users. it's really hard to get free users believe it or not. A lot of them think there's a catch and that's the hardest thing to overcome. We have to repeatedly tell and show them that others are doing it too, and convincing them gets easier as more and more people download the app and leave reviews. - 3 months is a lot of time spent on collecting users...it really is.)
In a chronological order, this is what I did with them:
1 - Got a half working product we worked 2 weeks on, fixed bugs and moved onto step 2.
2 - Acquired 10 free customers through v3rmillion (website forum with our niche audience) - There are A TON of entitled people that expect a ton of things from a free product, and you have to actually respond to them regardless, treat them as a real customer, not as a free one.
3 - They left us 3 star reviews, we ranked the 4 star reviews higher. We then got 90 more free users in the coming 3 months and fixed all the bugs.
4 - Released a paid product at a 90% discount. Sold 30 apps, we were pretty hot at the time.
5 - Increased the price, made it a 70% discount, sold to 24 more people in half the time it took us to sell 30 apps at 90% discounts.
6 - We discovered we had a fan-made subreddit. We kindly asked for admininstrator positions, and got them, realized there was a whole community we didn't even know about (roughly 1,100 people were in the community even though we only sold 300 apps?)
7 - Grew that subreddit, created a discord and several other social channels. Grew them too.
8 - Everything was smooth sailing since then, I left the project in 2021 and am still close with the owner, we meet each other in real life and I just sold my first crypto project 4 months ago.
Fast forward to today, he's made over 22,000 sales with a decently sized subreddit and discord community and an extremely loyal community and fanbase. (That's over USD$300,000 in 2-3 years of hard work - not bad for a 17 year old, did i forget to mention how he's 19 today? - I'm 16, yes, you heard that right. I helped the dude at the age of 14. To be honest, I looked at the whole thing as a game lmao - I never really realized how big it was until I left the project after being in it for roughly 9 months - when we reached 1,054 sales.)
Also forgot to mention: He sold at 2 prices:
Pay with crypto: 15$
Paypal: 20$
17,000 copies of our products were paid with crypto.
Tell me your thoughts below.
P.S Check out my new quora space and crypto forum.