Why Vitalik Loves Solana

By Cryptofab | The Crypto & DeFi Hub | 31 Dec 2022

If you missed it, you need to see that tweet. Vitalik Biterin, the co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), has promoted Solana (SOL) and its "earnest smart developer community":


At this stage we can only make assumptions regarding the reason why he wrote that:

1) He is only sincere and shares his thoughts.

2) He wants to hire developers from Solana.

3) He is thinking about partnering with Solana, to convert them into Ethereum layer-2 chain?

Further to his tweet, SOL price temporarily pumped by 30%, as if most traders need Vitalik to realize Solana is still valuable.

Disclaimer: this article does not contain any financial advice. The information is provided for general informational and educational purposes only.

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