3 Ways Writing Online Will Change Your Life Before You Get Paid

I used to write to make money. I burnt out.

Now I write because I’m building my expertise and my business. I can’t stop writing.

I do want to earn from my writing, but I realize that I need to enjoy the activity before it pays off. Right now I’m in the season that requires perseverance. The longer I last, the bigger chance I have at succeeding in making money online through writing.

After recovering from the burnout from writing, which took me two years, I started writing again. In less than three months, I discovered these benefits that I want to motivate you to see what’s possible if you don’t give up.

#1: You Will Find Your Niche

If not for Nicolas Cole, I would not have rekindled my desire for writing.

I would have stayed burnt out, believing that writing was not for me. It is too difficult. Nicolas Cole taught me how to write short essays and explained how to test my writing.

Not everything I write about resonates with readers.

I’ve spent more than a month publishing daily and trying out different topics. I found topics that I enjoy writing about, but don’t have much engagement. I found things that do get engagement, but I don’t enjoy writing about. Fortunately, I found a topic that I enjoy writing about, I know enough about, and I get engagement.

Writing daily online will help you find your niche that is unique to you and what resonates with the readers

#2: You Will Get Unexpected Opportunities

When you write online, you will be able to meet very interesting people who will offer you unexpected opportunities.

I heard from Nicolas Cole that focusing on one topic and becoming an authority can lead to invitations to speeches or podcasts. I didn’t think it was going to happen so early, but less than two weeks after I made the decision to focus on one topic, I was invited to a podcast! Giving the interview was such an interesting experience that it encouraged me to keep on going.

You can never expect what clicking Publish will bring.

#3: You Will Become an Articulate Communicator

Writing helped me to become a better communicator.

My thoughts are more ordered, I can track and express them well. I’ve heard Jordan Peterson encouraging people to become articulate, but I didn’t know how to get better at the skill. When I started writing, I realized I was more effective in expressing my thoughts and communicating them.

Writing will bring your communication skills to the next level and teach you to have organized thinking.

Last Thoughts

I haven’t made a lot of money from writing this year yet, but I got a lot of opportunities.

I learned new skills, increased my sphere of influence, and found a way how I can serve people. These things are much more valuable than money.

If you are starting to write online, be patient with yourself, experiment and don’t give up.

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Vytas │PurityStreak
Vytas │PurityStreak

Christ is King ♔ │Uncovering lies about guilt, lust and daydreaming so you can live free from ⓟⓞⓡⓝ │Writer, (soon author) and founder of Purity Streak

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