Tectum: Benefits Of Leveraging Softnote For Payments

By ElonMoist | Elonmoist | 25 Dec 2023


Over the years humans have come to envolve with the Changes that comes with the evolution of times even with the advent of newer solutions to every day needs.
Coupled with the various changes in the world of space ranging from tech, entertainment, agriculture, finance e.t.c


Think of how we Came from barter trade between individuals for services, To the use of cowries, coins, bank notes and then cryptocurrencies and not neglecting the current buzz of Ai tools for researches. With no objection payments for needs and services has been alot easier currently based on the availability of options that suits every desire of it's users, And gradually overiding the failed systems of transactions payment and transfers.

Although these challenges has been one unavoidable fight that has plagued humans and can't be avoided on a day to day basis when it come to physical purchases with cash and online payments for services, Like transportation, feeding(food), accomondation e.t.c but alot of platforms are doing their best in ensuring they derive the best offers to their prospect while improving on their services daily. And one of such platforms is Tectum

And with such changing times control are now being returned to the users with the Advent of anonymity in payments

Tectum softnote is solving the urgency of need for better payments in financial systems

So, Why softnote:

1. Seamless Payments: No congestions in payment processing compared to other networks as tectum is built on the T12 network

2. Security: All payments are done and processed without the users information being disclosed which makes tracking by hackers impossible.

3. Secured: No faults, using diffrent kind of authentication methods

4. Merchant: Tectum also provides the avenue for individuals to integrate the payment systems on their website to receive payments for products sold

5. Value: Why i love the tectum softnote is that it has the ability to increase in value even as the price of BTC increased and plunges ahead

6. Reduce fraud: Payments cannot be forged no counterfiet payments or robbery

7. Profits: Holding onto tectum has been profitable



You can Mint your softnote bills on tectum.io


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