Poetry is not in books.
What madness.
Much less in publishers.
What madness.
I cannot conceive in my poor, lost head
that a poet knocks on doors to throw the great dust of poetry into the
Don't you have a printer at home?
Don't you have a friend who can lend you one?
Or wha set you are really looking for is
the Logo?
How much does the poet sell the verse for?
Give me half a dozen metaphors
and if I can afford it I'll take that stuffed animal too.
Don't you know that poetry is a rage?
And what if you comb your hair and perfume it to
go to your grandmother's house
she loses all her strength and grabs on
to all her tricks?
Do you want your poetry to be read?
So that they shout nice things at you in the street?
So that they point out your rhetorical figure and
shout "poet!" at your front door?
Photocopy your poetry and throw it under doors!
Ring the bell!
Sell it on trains and at traffic lights!
For God's sake, don't domesticate it.
Poetry hates galley proofs.
It gags at solemnities.
What madness
By espacioreal | elespacioreal | 17 Sep 2024
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