Underlying motivations

By espacioreal | elespacioreal | 2 Aug 2024

Inclusion at all costs is the most violent form of violence because it attempts to justify, with alleged humanitarian grounds, minority phenomena supported by States that bet heavily on blurring the human entity with the sole purpose of generating a post-capitalist neo-market... Or is someone so, so, so naive to believe that the states of the world suddenly became sensitive to human suffering?
A famous writer of the 20th century had already warned: the new fascisms will come talking about freedom.

In the guise of inclusivity and humanitarianism, these systems may mask their true intentions, often perpetuating inequalities or controlling populations under the pretense of progressive values. The emphasis on inclusion might be used to distract from more insidious forms of control or exploitation, serving as a veneer for policies that undermine genuine equity and justice. Thus, while the language of freedom and inclusion is used, the underlying motivations may remain far removed from the genuine aspirations of a just and compassionate society.

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