I commit

By espacioreal | elespacioreal | 8 Feb 2024

today I forgive myself
I reconcile
for all the dogs I have loved
and they have died,
Today I respect myself, I forgive the blame,
today the sun shines on my body
touches the bone marrow of the present days
who are the only ones on the rise,
Today I untie the tanza that bites my bones,
today I commit
until the day I leave
because I'm always leaving
I'm always arriving
snatched from dreams, always stumbling,
today I forgive myself
because my parents are no longer breathing
because they are dead
transformed into nettles, into dolphins, into sea sponges,
because they can no longer touch doorknobs
nor knock on doors
nor tear shadows from the patio tiles,
today I will be happy forever
for all those who can no longer smile I will smile furiously
with joy always,
today I forgive myself
I apologize
I reconcile
for my beloved dogs
for everything I loved and what I love
I commit myself in this time that my existence lasts
to break the ropes of the impossible real,
and go out to the street to take what is mine
to share what is mine,
From today I will not allow myself to forget
that I am only
no more no less
an extraordinary inhabitant of the cosmos.

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