SECOND WEEK on Leader Board!!! More ZEC awarded! Wow, if only I was really good at this....

By LyonCoDad | Ed's Who Knows What. | 6 Mar 2021

Lightening can strike twice it seems!

I made the Leader Boards AGAIN this week and again won ZEC!



If I could actually play these games I could be making some good coin!

109th in Flare Hit

126th in Beat Box

234th in Flare Jump

If you are good at games, you really should come check these out and grab you some of this action!

Join up here and get to playing those games, grabbing the Faucet Drops and the Air Drops! 


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Father, retired Firefighter

Ed's Who Knows What.
Ed's Who Knows What.

Sometimes on the edges of stuff ya can't talk about... Especially with "fact checkers" aka the Ministry of Truth... We live in a WACKY WORLD! Right is Left. Up is Down. War is Peace. Truth is defined daily... Let's see where this goes, shall we?

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