Thorchain – Mythical Yields

By Catchme | Earn Some Free Crypto | 30 Nov 2023



If you have some tokens to drop somewhere or maybe you are looking for a sweet pool to earn some yields, this one is just off the charts. Obviously, I don’t want to give financial advice because you know liability and stuff, but I can share my experience, show some screenshots, and give a little inside into this amazing protocol.




Thorchain is a decentralized liquidity protocol that exists since 2019 and makes it possible to swap assets directly between different networks. The supported networks are Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Cosmos Hub, Dogecoin, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. The swaps happen in an instant because of the use of automated market makers and large pools. RUNE is the base currency in the ecosystem and is used for governance, security and getting yields in pools. The platform has no CEO, management, or anything, instead it is organized via Gitlab and governed by the community. Because of that the protocol is not profit-oriented and all fees are paid out to the participants. The team behind the platform holds RUNE and profits if the price rises. As you can see in the data provided by their website, they got a good trading volume, total locked value, and high payouts.

Yields, Pools, Vaults and the Perfect Wallet



We start with the wallet. I haven’t heard of this one before, but it is actually kind of amazing. Easy to use interface, integrated swap, and it supports a very large number of chains and tokens (even some less known). In this case it is kind of necessary to use this wallet to easy connect to the Thorchain protocol and make use of all chains. If you use for example Trust wallet it is only possible to deposit BNB Chain tokens. With the XDEFI wallet you can access every network and for security reasons I like to keep my assets in different locations, especially when they are interacting with some platform or protocol.



With Thorswap you can of course swap heaps of stuff, add tokens to the savers vault or liquidity to the pools and a borrow function is in beta phase. To get a much better oversight over your assets, yields and protocol data you can visit Thoryield which is shown in the following screenshots.



If you just want to deposit some native tokens and get pretty sweet APRs the savers vault is the way to go. All of the assets shown in the screenshot can be deposited, but as you can see, they can be filled up and it is transparent how many savers there are, how much APR you get and how much volume in USD there is.



The pools are in my opinion the real deal. The unreal looking APRs are the result of the good performance of the general crypto market in the last time and the future prediction is based on that. But, if the different assets get more valuable or the pools get bigger, your investment also inclines. They offer a lot of pairs in different networks, but for all of them you need to deposit RUNE tokens and the paired ones. There are up to 32 different options for deposits. You can drop tokens asymmetrical, but it comes with some downsides, so the symmetrical pooling is in my opinion the best choice.


Source: (can’t give the rest because it is my wallet address^^)

To be honest, I thought about showing you my numbers or blurring them out, but it is kind of the thing what I am really excited about, so I have to in a way. I never put much money into one thing and for full disclosure I just dropped 30 bucks into RUNE when it was at 0.60 something and got really lucky because now it’s like 6.00 :D Had to liquidate some other assets anyway, not enough AVAX to let them stake on their own and some other small amounts lying around without any purpose, so when I saw how worthy my RUNE tokens were and this very attractive platform, I put them to good use. As you can see, my positions are in the pools for just 3 days and therefore my earned fees and block rewards are not that much, but because of the natural shifting of the pool I could withdraw 9.5 USDC (minus the 0.3 RUNE) and nearly 0.4 AVAX more than I put in. Obviously, there are some small fees to withdraw, and I won’t pull them out after 3 days, but I was pretty happy seeing that. As I said, this is partially due to the good market development and if the pools decline it won’t look that mythical anymore, but hey, who knows :) Remember: nothing is certain with crypto, and you should only invest what you can lose completely without screwing up your life. Hopefully you liked my article, and I was able to widen your horizon. Enjoy life and take care – cheers!

For full disclosure, I am the original author, but I first uploaded the article to another platform. If you are looking for the best opportunity to earn free crypto and get the most out of it – there is no platform like: -> watching little ads, multiple faucets, good support, heaps of offerwalls and a publisher platform (article) like this one :) Go and check it out, folks!

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