Having plans and making schedules is an undeniable contributor to achievement or success.
If you want to realize your dreams, you will need at least a bit of principle.
But a lot of people seem to hate the idea of scheduling so much or planning everything to the minutest detail. It is not in our nature to hate patterns or principle, perhaps it is something that we even aspire to have, so why do people tend to hate schedules so much?
In today’s blog post, I intend to answer that question from a psychological standpoint.
The process of making the effort to achieve your goals is actually rather simple, whilst maintaining a certain degree of difficulty when it manifests in the real world.
This simplicity is the idea of actually doing the work, as opposed to merely visualizing it on a daily basis.
The process is as follows:
You have a goal and you are determined to do it.
You have a certain timeframe; for instance, a goal might take weeks, months, or even years to achieve.
So, you have a goal and you have a timeframe.
You plan to take steps in the time that is given to you to realize those goals.
This is as simple as that, but many people get it wrong and that is why they procrastinate.
After months of procrastination, they find that they have only wasted time and achieved nothing in return.
There is a simple reason for that: We tend to hate schedules.
Why? Because the first mistake we make when we are confronted with the idea of having a schedule is that we think this timetable is a like prison to us.
It is not a prison!!!
The schedule is not going to limit your efforts or creativity, it is merely budgeting your time in accordance to your needs and eliminating the possibility of you wasting precious time that you can never regain.
What do people do instead?
Well, they have a couple of tasks, and they think to themselves, ‘I have to do this, this, and that!’ and they get on with doing it, but they are not thinking of time as an important resource!
We hate schedule because we do not see it as a flexible structure that is only there to help us. What do most people think schedules are? Aren’t they just a tool that can help us?
When it comes to making schedules, people tend to be harsh on themselves for no reason whatsoever, and then they put the blame on the idea of having schedules for your week days.
Make a habit of scheduling your days and you will see that each day will be experienced in a way that brings you closer to realizing your vision of success in life!