Mech Masters Review Article

Mech Master Review Article

By AyrtonDaSilva | DS NFT | 21 Sep 2021


Mech Master


Mech Master


Mech Master is an upcoming NFT Play to Earn game based on the popular genre of science fiction of space mechas, its planned to launch on PC, Android and IOS in the near future. The blockchains the game will use are PolkaFoundry network, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain.

The story consists in a future where the Homo Deus (Humans from the future earth) where humanity is on the verge of extinction produced by foreign threats who invades earth, their last hope consist on gathering the little resources they have to open a time portal to the past and send all the Mechas they can with the knowledge on how to use and produce them, preparing the humans from the past to fight the incoming invasion to earth and save humanity.

I personally love the theme of the game, I am a Transformers fan since I was a Kid and honestly who doesnt love Mechas and fighting robots from space? it was only a matter of time to see a game based on this.

Gameplay Aspects


  • Its a turn based strategy game with RPG elements, the core gameplay Consist on assembling a team of 5 mechas to fight through a tile-based map made of hexagons where each one have a different element attached to it, the game offers a variety of mechas, pilots, equipments to play with, including game elements like weather and commanders.
  • The mechas have over 7 races and 8 elements with different tiers, combined with pilots and thousands of equipments they offer a vast amount of diverse builds and combinations to use when fighting other players.
  • There is a trade marketplace  where players can buy and sell different assets and NFT like Mechas, Pilots and Moonbase shards, including gacha and auctions for special items.
  • There are tournaments where the top ranking players can earn prizes, one of those tournaments is the Mech Master World Cup which runs anually with special rewards.
  • One of the unique features of the game is the inclusion of AR technology present in the game, used for taking photos with your mechas in real life
  • There is present a recycling mechanism on the game where you can use 5 pilots-mechs-equipments to obtain 1 limited time mech from the same tier, if you recycle 10 then you will obtain 1 from the next tier. You can also disassemble mech or equipments to obtain resources to further improve other equipments and mechs.


My personal take from the gameplay is that it has a LOT of variety of gameplay factors to play with and 2 NFTs used to play sounds really good, as the game is further developed we will see how those interactions work and how deep the game is played. the majority of NFT games only use 1 kind of NFT to play with so its a plus, using a pilot and a mecha sounds really cool but we have to wait to see how those two interact.

The inclusion of AR technology is a impressive feature for a NFT game, giving further use for the mechas which separates them from the rest of the common crypto NFT games out there.

The anual Mech Master World Cup looks like a really good idea for giving a push to NFTs in the E-sports scene which is severely lacking at the moment.

Token economy




Mech Master Token (MECH) is a ERC-20 governance token based on PolkaFoundry network, Polygon and Binance Smart Chain. The total supply is 650 Millions tokens. The main uses are for buying items, upgrading mechas, lands and weapons, entering special events, staking and for the Gacha system.

There is a governance system integrated with the token which consists on locking MECH tokens for a certain duration to vote for new settings and features to be implemented.

NFT collectibles


  • Mecha NFT (ERC-721). Obligatory for playing the game (You need 5 to start playing) they are classified based on a variety of races, tiers and elements.
  • Pilot NFT (ERC-1155). Offers a special ability to use with the mecha to further diversify the gameplay mechanics.
  • Moonbase NFT (ERC-721). Are different pieces of land belonging to only one moon where you can develop your own city with different buildings and facilities.

Having 2 NFT to play with (Mechas and pilots) looks very promising as the majority of NFT games only uses 1 to play, the Moonbase is the Land on this game and is important to have 1 as there is only 1 moon on the entire game so keep it in mind because you could miss out on the land sale!

Non-NFT collectibles


Equipment: Used to provide different functions and attributes on Mechas to use when fighting, each mecha has its own slots to use equipments depending on type and sizes.

Having equipments on the mechas as regular items is a good idea, if they were NFT it would be a chaos having to buy different equipments on the marketplace for upgrading mechas.

Game Trailer


I like the concept art from the game, reminds me to Transformers and Gundam, it shows that the game has taking care on their presentation.



The game has a good concept to develop, the AR technology sounds really cool and the gameplay looks promising, we will have to wait for more info about the gameplay and a Demo to see the game in action, until then we will have to conclude saying that it is on my NFT radar


Have any questions? want to leave feedback about my articles? feel free to let me know, I appreciate every comment to improve my work.

I will leave the website and their social media if you wanna know more about the project:


Mech Master´s Social Media:










 #mecha #gunpla #gamefi #mechmaster #nft #NFTgaming #NFTGames #NFTs #NFTCollectibles #NFTMarketplace #PlayToEarn

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