Honeygain - After few months

By Ykretz | Don't die as a student | 10 Aug 2020

Hello everybody ! 

My today's post is to show how much you can earn with honey gain.

To start, if you don't know Honey gain it's simple. Honeygain is an app you can download for Android, PC and MacOs.

The purpose of the app is to let you sell you brandwidth. They offer you $0,10 for each GB you share.

It could represent a real fortune if you always were at full speed but I'm sorry to say that you won't be rich thanks to this.

But, this helps, you don't have to do nothing but downloading it. 

I downloaded it in the begging of March and made around $12,40 from then.


It's $17,40 because when you sign up you have a $5 gift.

Keep in mind that I often forgot to turn on the app on my phone and my computer was off at least half the week.

I invited a friend to sign up around a week ago And he earn more than $0,10 a day, which is a good score: 


If you want to try it you can Download it here.

This is not such a money earning but you don't have to do anything and earn 20 bucks two or three times per year so it's worth a try.

There is also something called the Content delivery. There is a queue and when you've finished to wait you start the content delivery. In fact, you don't share more but now, whatever the amount of data you share, you'll earn 8 credits ( like $0,008 ) per hour you share.

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Don't die as a student
Don't die as a student

The point of these posts is to show how to save and earn many little amounts of money in my everday life with applications and websites.

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