Making Bridges for ES-OMC-56 Model Guitars


In this episode of Guitar Making, I demonstrate my process for batching out guitar bridges for my orchestra model cutaway style 56 guitars, cutting the individual bridge blanks from a billet of Macassar Ebony and shaping them with the bandsaw, spindle sander, drum sander and a chisel.

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Eric Schaefer Guitars
Eric Schaefer Guitars

Hey all, I am a Luthier specializing in flattop acoustic guitars and a teacher of all things Lutherie out of my shop in Pennsylvania. You can see my work and check out both my online guitar making courses and live workshops at

DIY Guitar Making
DIY Guitar Making

Luthier Eric Schaefer dives deep into acoustic guitar building techniques, sharing secrets of the craft so that you can step up your lutherie game! From soundboard bracing to neck angles to fretwork, no stone is left unturned.

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