What’s the best trip you ever took?

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 24 Mar 2024

I’m not the kind of person to chillax during travelling, so I insisted on going to Spain and Italy on my honeymoon. Ofc I knew that happy wife, happy life, so for our 3rd wedding anniversary, we visited Maldives. One of the most memorable weeks I spent in my life, Snorkelling, getting a massage, sunrise yoga, great meals, sipping alcohol while watching the sunset, frolicking in the water. It’s amazing how engaged I was throughout the trip even though I was stuck on an island.   Here’s what I wrote about the trip back then:   To be honest, the Maldives would not have been on my travel radar, if it weren't for the wife. I think an important part of travel for me is getting to know the local people - and being waited on hand and foot by the Maldivians would imply a lop-sided relationship from the start, haha.   But I have fallen in love with the Maldivian brand of hospitality. They are attentive without being overwhelming, chatty without being intrusive. Their unassuming character and cheerful disposition make them gracious hosts. I'm most impressed by how they always take a moment to utter a greeting and ask "How's your day/food/stay/evening?" And this service from the heart is witnessed in every staff I encounter, from the Villa host right down to the sweeper who rakes up the dead leaves.   I can only hope that I will remember to treat people with a bit more empathy and enthusiasm when I resume teaching in July, haha Thank you, Baros Maldives staff, for your genuine smiles and ready laughter. And for making us feel at home and at ease.

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