Stacker News encourages deep sharing

By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 16 Jan 2025

and zaps might have very little to do with it.

which is amazing, given that we don’t know each other in real life. but SN offers a confluence of factors that facilitates deep sharing. For example, two Stackers shared the other day that the reason why they take meticulous care of their health is that they don’t want to die. I mean, how often do we really get to share this innermost desire with our friends and colleagues and neighbours? most modern-day interactions seldom go beyond a hi bye. how’s the weather?

at SN, all the stars align:

  • safe space. people are generally reluctant to doxx themselves - and face no pressure from the community. this may be fertiliser for people to reveal their roots.
  • territories. help people find like-minded souls quickly. when you find that you hold similar opinions as the members of your tribe, you will come out to add +1 to the prevailing POV.
  • small doses of interaction. many Stackers hang out here, day in day out. over time, this builds familiarity and camaraderie. those little chats compound, helping us feel comfortable to share layers of ourselves.
  • humility. some people are just brilliant, but since the ethos is stay humble, you generally don’t feel intimidated by their intelligence. people are quite willing to expound on ideas to dispel someone else’s ignorance. I know I have asked many a ‘stupid’ question without fearing that I would be judged.
  • connections. people generally make the effort to remember what you share. when you feel seen and heard, your gateway toward sharing your inner core is bolstered, one comment at a time.

Do you feel yourself sharing more than you typically would in real life with casual company? What makes you do so, anyway?



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