Defiant Pathfinder
Defiant Pathfinder

Defiant Pathfinder

I am Unstoppable & Unpredictable

Real World Asset Tokenization - The next Big Narrative in the Coming Crypto Bullrun

3 Apr 2024 3 minute read 0 comments Defiant Pathfinder

All previous Bull-Runs had narratives that brought a lot of cryptocurrencies to the spotlight. There was a time when Non-Fungible Tokens, Metaverse, and Gaming were making headlines and we saw tokens like Sandbox, Axie, and Decentraland making huge s...

Tectum is the Jaggernaut of Blockchains & Monetary Systems

25 Dec 2023 13 minute read 2 comments Defiant Pathfinder

There is always stiff competition in the Business World, and the best will forever take the lead. If it were in the Jungles, we would say you "Prey on the predators and eliminate competition", but in the Crypto and Finance business, it's all about an...

Crypto Adoption and Market Corrections

1 Jul 2022 3 minute read 0 comments Defiant Pathfinder

Crypto Market is like a Zion train that never stops but goes round to make sure it gets everyone onboard. When Bitcoin was first introduced in 2008Not everyone understood what it was, some thought it was just a scam. As time went on some people under...

Where Money goes, Money will always Follow

28 Jun 2022 3 minute read 0 comments Defiant Pathfinder

"You need money to make money", A lot of people fail to understand that money will always follow where money has gone and they fail to understand the simple principles of Investing and Trading. There is a saying which always kept me strong and confid...

Can Cryptocurrencies be heavily affected by Economical Matters?

26 Jun 2022 4 minute read 2 comments Defiant Pathfinder

Generally, people from well-developed countries with well-functional economies have a tendency of keeping their life savings in the banks and then some take those savings and invest them in shares like APPL, MSFT, FB, etc, or trade CFDs. Most of them...

A Successful Trader's Journey - Chapter 1

14 Jun 2022 2 minute read 1 comment Defiant Pathfinder

A lot of brokers suggest that their clients start trading with a minimum capital of $100 or $250. However, there are some other brokers which have a minimum deposit of $10 which means with $10 you can start your journey right. One thing we should kno...

Losing your Hard earned money by Trading Noise

31 May 2022 2 minute read 10 comments Defiant Pathfinder

About 90% of traders who trade Cryptocurrencies, Forex, Indices, Stocks, etc, do not make it to the finish line as they all lose their hard-earned money and only 10% enjoy the profits. I know this might sound like a myth, but if you care to check the...

Terra Luna will not rise from the dead like Lazarus did

13 May 2022 2 minute read 4 comments Defiant Pathfinder

Terra Luna had found itself a nice sweet spot among some prominent blockchains before but now it has drowned in the red sea and it's likely it will not come back from this. Most major Cryptocurrencies departed from the all-time highs 6 months ago but...

Will Crypto Portfolios survive this Winter or they are going to Dust?

9 May 2022 2 minute read 0 comments Defiant Pathfinder

When I invested in my Crypto assets last year in August I told myself that I will not sell any of my assets before 5 or 10 years lapse because I knew there was going to be a Crypto winter soon. What I wasn't sure about is when it would come that's wh...

Factors which play a significant roles in Cryptocurrency Investing

8 May 2022 3 minute read 0 comments Defiant Pathfinder

The Crypto Market is growing big and we are having new investors join the train each and every day. Have you ever wondered what the Crypto Market will be like in 10 - 20 years to come? Who knows maybe it will be 10 times big as it is now, so there is...