How To Use Balancer Pools on Polygon Pos Network

Balancer start page.  

The balancer is a liquidity DeFi protocol allowing anybody to pool their tokens with others to earn swap fees. It is very easy to add to these pools; go to the balancer website, which may be found using a Google search.4a703bddb66a5de618f7b2660d4e96e39597a201198c63d1df0b14aca51a984a.png

Then click Launch. 

e46a30a9a769b8847553cf2629ca148f88d6cf2363dc9c756ac7a077449a90a6.pngAfter that, connect your wallet using the menu in the upper right-hand corner and select the desired network. Then, find the pool that you want to deposit in (there is one for most tokens) and click the add liquidity button.f3f55645ea6c7fd8239dbd6a4e47e91abe1e14a231d390e27dc8b30a741c7586.png

Then, if you want, you can use an LP token to earn extra yield. Thanks for reading. Please follow and leave a bigger tip! 

This article was taken from my old account and is not copied work! 


I'm sorry, but this is not financial advice. DYOR


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