Week 2 of Community Distribution Fund Coming THIS TUESDAY!

Unifi Defi Update: Week 2 of Community Distribution Fund Coming This Tuesday!

By Blockstory | DeFi Cat | 16 Nov 2020

After a hugely successful first round of the Community Distribution Fund last week, filling the entire bucket within two days, we’re excited to announce Week 2 starts this Tuesday.

Week 2 of Community Distribution Fund Coming THIS TUESDAY!

Week 1 of the Community Distribution Fund was hugely successful, surpassing all our expectations, so we’re beyond pumped to start hyping up Week 2 – coming this Tuesday, 17 November 2020.

With more tokens on offer this week, and with such incredible price action after the last week’s CDF buybacks, you will NOT want to miss this. Each week 50% of the buyback tokens are added to the following week’s bucket – each round of the CDF means there are more tokens up for grabs than the previous round!

Week 1 Round-Up

During our first week of the CDF, a whopping 34 ETH was raised with a large number of participants. 94,651 UNIFI DeFi tokens were added as locked liquidity on Uniswap as a direct result of the CDF.

We experienced significantly more volume, too. In the 24 hours after our first of a series of broken-down buybacks, the price of UNIFI DeFi was up over 36%. We expect that as the CDF continues to gain more traction, we will experience a cos tangly rising volume of trading activity, a continual increase in locked liquidity, and – all factors falling into line – a gradually climbing price.

To enter the CDF, visit the main portal here: http://cdf.unifidefi.com/

Supporters will be able to enter weekly rounds (buckets), one every week for 52 weeks, and exchange ETH directly for a token share. The more ETH you input, and depending on the ETH input of other participants, the more tokens you redeem!

Whilst this also offers a great token buy price for our supporters, it provides UNIFI DeFi 52 continual weeks of locked liquidity, every week! That’s an entire mind-blowing year.

It also provides a continual flow of token velocity, something necessary for the longevity of any DeFi project. While the price fluctuates, as to be expected with any new initiative, we remind our loyal supporters that from day one UNIFI DeFi has been a project focused on longevity – we’re not a quick “pump and dump”, we’re here for the long run and we have some great things up our sleeves.

For all the juicy details on the exciting CDF (we call it that for short), check out our packed article HERE.

Over the coming days and weeks we will be sharing loads more articles about the Community Distribution Fund (as well as all the other cool stuff UNIFI DeFi is developing and working hard on), from how the Buckets work and operate, summaries and roundups, logic and more.

If you have any questions please ping them to any of the admins within the official Telegram group!

Get stuck in – we can’t wait to hear what you guys think!

Community Distribution Fund link: http://cdf.unifidefi.com/

This is one of our most significant and landmark launches so we can’t wait for our Unifamily to get stuck in. This is both a way for the entire project to raise in value, while also offering our Unifamily more ways than ever before to earn even more UNIFI tokens.

As always, we hope you’re all having a wonderful week – we cannot wait to get all of this live and in your hands!

Stay tuned with UNIFI DeFi for more explainer articles on everything to do with crypto and DeFi – it’s a new and exciting world out there, and we’re so pumped to have our awesome Unifamily on this journey alongside us.

Stay in Touch With UNIFI DeFi

As always with UNIFI DeFi, there’s much more news coming soon! Keep an eye out on the official UNIFI DeFi Telegram HERE for more, including big announcements and community discussions. There’s a lot coming up!

Buy Unifi DeFi:
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0ef3b2024ae079e6dbc2b37435ce30d2731f0101
Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=UNIFI_USDT 

Staking Portal (Powered by Ferrum Network): http://staking.unifidefi.com/

Price and Marketcap links:
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/unifi-defi/markets/
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/unifi-defi 

Useful links:
Website: https://unifidefi.com/ 
Whitepaper: https://unifidefi.com/assets/UNIFI%20Whitepaper.pdf 
Etherscan link: https://etherscan.io/token/0x0eF3b2024ae079e6dBC2b37435cE30d2731F0101
Telegram: https://t.me/UnifiDeFi 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnifiDeFi 
Medium: https://medium.com/@unifidefi 
Discord: https://discord.gg/zst234k 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIs9MkJb8-CbtAGq_hybdTw
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/UnifiDeFi 

Like the tide rising, we are inevitable.

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DeFi Cat
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