Hi everyone and welcome to this post on YieldNodes.
I would like to show that YieldNodes pays out as advertised with the payment I just received. If you want to know how the withdrawal process works in general, you can check out my full withdrawal guide (click here).
In a step-by-step guide, I want to show you how to collect the money and actually use it. Let's get started!
The basics: invested funds are locked for 6 months. Profits can be requested to withdraw immediately (paid out next month). But how did it workout for me?
My pay-out experience
I requested multiple payouts last month after making some gains from YieldNodes and generating some affiliate income as well. In total, I requested a payout of €951.63. This was processed and paid out today (the Bitcoin network is quite fast in processing transactions).
The total payout was 0.02661382 Bitcoin, which was deposited to my Kraken account today:
To achieve this, I created a deposit address with Kraken and requested YieldNodes to send my BTC there. Details can be found in my withdrawal guide.
I swapped the BTC to Euro and requested a payout to my bank account. Now I will use these funds to book a vacation (no financial advice, please note there might be taxes you have to pay on these gains)
Note that I had some extra 0.002 BTC on the account, so I could make it a full €999 payout.
The fees on Kraken were €2.60 for the trade from BTC to Euro and €0.90 for the withdrawal. This is 0.35% which is think is quite reasonable. YieldNode doesn't charge any fee for the payout.
Although it might seem a bit complicated that deposits and payouts are handled in BTC, I see this as a positive aspect of YieldNodes. As many trades in Crypto are done with BTC (the pair often has the highest liquidity), this makes it easy for YieldNodes to put the deposited money to work.
Payouts are converted to BTC just around the day of payout, therefore you are not really risking a sudden price change of your funds. As you could see from my example, I could immediately swap the BTC to Euro and avoid any risk of price movement.
Why do I have to wait for the payout?
As the team of YieldNodes explains in their FAQ, they want to use the deposited funds as efficiently as possible. To guarantee that the funds can be used to rent servers and run actual masternodes without being moved around too much (which would be capital inefficient) they decided to impose these withdraw timings.
I understand this may cause suspicion from some users. So far, every payout has been in time and the returns speak for themselves. This is not a get richt quick scheme but a mid to long term investment opportunity.
So I was very pleased with the payout experience of YieldNodes. They promised to process the payout requests made before February 15th on the 8th of March, and this is exactly what they did. As you can see from the screenshots above, I received my funds today.
So to answer the question in the title: Yes, you can get your money out of YieldNodes.
What is your experience? Do you regularly pay out your money from YieldNodes or do you strictly autocompound? Let me know in the comments!
Want to get started with YieldNodes?
- Do your own research on YieldNodes, in the end I am just a random guy on the internet!
- For example, I got most of my trust in YieldNodes from an unofficial German telegram group (English Version here) where over 700 members answer all questions
- Use my affiliate link (click here) to register, and I earn 5% of your deposit with no extra cost for you. Thanks in advance!
- Only invest what you can afford to lose
- Make a deposit via Bitcoin - check my full deposit guide (click here)
- Decide whether you want to pay out your earnings or compound them!
- Let me know if you would like to know more, you can reach me on Twitter
If you want to learn more, check out my other blogs on YieldNodes.
If you found this article helpful, please consider giving it a thumbs-up and use my link when signing-up with YieldNodes.
Have a great day!
P.S.: Today I wanted to finish the blog with a bit of a personal touch. As I am a huge fan of electronic music and lately rediscovered the awesome YouTube channel of "Cercle" that posts super talented musicians in great locations, I want to close every blog with a DJ set that I really enjoy at the moment. Enjoy and let me know what you think as well in the comments :)