Who are the BETTER drivers, men or women ?

By DefDrive | DefDrive | 28 Jul 2020

Let’s analyse this and try to be scientific about it.

In all disciplines of motor sport, including Formula 1 or Grand Prix racing, the competitors are predominantly MEN.


Why are so few women competing in motor sport ?

Young men are aggressive by nature – testosterone – like young bulls – always locking horns, trying to prove how good or strong they are. It is evident in other areas too.

  • Bar Fights – always men (well, mostly).

  • Racing from traffic lights – always young men (well, mostly).

    • Older men have been through this phase, and know better the dangers of irresponsible driving. (Or is it that older men have less testosterone ?)

You rarely, or never see two women at a traffic light glancing at each other and revving the engines. Women have less testosterone, which is a dominating masculine energy, and more female hormones like oestrogen that result in a dominating feminine energy which is more submissive. So if one female driver does the glancing and revving bit to another female driver, the female-being-glanced-at will more likely think “Let’s have some tea” than actually race.

Young men are more aggressive and wanting to prove themselves, so they often drive too fast for the circumstances (showing off to their girlfriend or friends). This invariably leads to some ‘fright’ moments, where they either crash or (somehow) control the car and get it under control. The more this happens, the better they get at controlling a car in near-crash situations.


The key is ‘Automatic Reactions’.

  • Reacting (hopefully correctly) without thinking, in a split second.

This happens due to “muscle memory”, however that memory does not really exist in your muscles – rather, it exists in your brain in the form of neural synapses. Similarly, martial arts students who practice moves hundreds of times, so when someone throws a punch at them, they automatically block and strike back – without thinking.


Women do not try and impress anyone by racing around, (mostly!). They just want to get to their destination. Driving carefully, and have some tea.

So when muscle memory is not developed or trained enough, people usually freeze and/or crash if something unexpected happens and they lose control.

When no accident happens, a female driver will usually get you to your destination safely. So will a male driver – usually a bit faster. However, in an imminent crash situation, a male driver usually has more chance of getting out of it safely.



Men are mostly BETTER drivers (but more reckless), and women are mostly SAFER drivers.


How NOT to Freeze, is covered in my complete guide “DefDrive – How to Survive the Road”.


Blessings & Stay Safe



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Hi, I'm Jerry, welcome to DefDrive. As a Professional Motorsport Driver & Rider, with over 40 years experience, my intention is to help prevent as many deaths on the road as possible. So many road deaths can be prevented if YOU are better prepared.


HOW TO SURVIVE ON THE ROAD Defensive Driving, Accident Prevention and Car Control. As a Professional Motor-sport Driver & Rider, with over 40 years experience, my intention is to help prevent as many deaths on the road as possible by giving Professional Guidance on how to be a Better and Safer Driver. Blessings & Stay Safe Jerry

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