¡An Old Phicture!

Classes to be a good Chicken #4 🎲🕹 ¡Games!

I know that it has happened to many of us that we are bored with nothing to do on the servers that we distribute DATZ, and they will wonder, what am I doing there?
What do i have to do to earn DATZ? Well in this activity we will give you the information of the Games and Trivia that are carried out on our distribution servers so that your entertainment has no end:

🐺 Were Wolf

It is a strategy game that is available in the form of a bot for games on Telegram. The objective of the game is to deceive other players, try to discover the roles of other participants in the game and defeat the werewolf, in addition to being fun, this game is played on the different distribution servers that we have in Telegram. What do you say? Will you discover the wolf and keep the reward?

💭 Quizarium

Here is a real emotion!, This is one of the bots that DATZ uses to turn their fun afternoons into a brain gym with the Quizarium bot, this is a bot of questions to see how far their knowledge reaches in this world Let's see how far your experience goes!

💠 Nadeko

Play, claim DATZ, participate in events and have fun with DATZ in a game to decide your fate! , With this bot various races and games are carried out in our Discord communities. What are you waiting for? Join us and be part of it.

🎉 GiveawayBot

With this bot DATZ carries out exclusive raffles for the token and also people have fun reacting to the content to participate in them,

🐥 Well my dear chickens, today's class has arrived here if you like it, you can comment below 👇🏻 and follow me on publish0x for more content, with this I say goodbye with a chicken hug. See you in the next class!

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Datz the Token that will change the world
Datz the Token that will change the world

This blog is dedicated to DATZ, its distribution and content and its different activities. Don't forget! This blog is to have fun and laugh a little. Thanks for reading this description!

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